Instructions for writing the abstract
Abstracts can be submitted by email to
Please respect the following abstract writing requirements:
• maximum 300 words;• written in English;
• Times New Roman 11 font, no paragraph alignment or other indentation; will not be formatted. The abstract must include:• the title, written in capital letters followed by a blank line; the title (including spaces) may not be longer than 300 characters;
• the authors’ names, written on one line, in the following order: last name, followed by their first names (do not use professional/academic titles); one line should be left blank after the list of authors;
• affiliation (section, institution, city, country) of both first author and co-authors. The first letter of each word must be capitalised;• a line should be inserted containing 5-8 keywords;
• the text itself must follow the familiar structure: introduction, material and methods, results, conclusions (avoid wording such as “the results will be presented”); the text must contain sufficient detail to justify the conclusion;
*The abstract submission deadline is 17th JUNE 2024.
Instructions for E-posters
**The E-posters submission deadline is JUNE 26th 2024.
E-poster presentations should be created in PowerPoint format (.ppt, .pptx).
Mandatory dimensions: 7.5 inches x 13.33 inches;
Recommended fonts: Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman, Tahoma;
Recommended font sizes: 12 – 24 points;
For better visibility during projection, it is recommended to use light-colored fonts on a dark background;
Language: English;
The electronic supports on which the e-posters will be presented should have the aspect ratio set to LANDSCAPE;
E-poster presentations will still be made in PowerPoint format (.ppt, .pptx). E-posters will run at the event venue.For support, please contact us at email or by phone at +40752168815.