
Participation Fees - Neurogastro_2022
Participation Fees
Specialists and Consultants 350 RON
Resident Doctors
250 RON
Other professional categories150 RON
Students50 RON

Registration fees for participants include:

• Admission to scientific sessions;
• Conference map with scientific materials, badge;
• Access to the exhibition area;
• Coffee and lunch breaks;
• Certificate of participation

Resident doctors and students with work selected as poster or an oral presentation are exempt from the participation fee.

We are pleased to inform you that as of May 25, 2018, the European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data ("GDPR") has become applicable.

We would like to announce that we comply with the provisions of the EU Regulation on privacy and personal data protection, aligning ourselves with the new requirements.

We would like to inform you that PRO EVENTS & CONFERENCE only collects data associated with individuals/legal entities in the context where services are requested for which we need this information, which is necessary for your legitimate interest.In the context of participating in a medical congress for the validation of CME credits by the College of Physicians in Romania, mandatory data such as name, surname, personal identification number (CNP), medical specialty, workplace, and professional degree are required. 

Other data such as email address and phone number are necessary for us to transmit information related to the medical event (e.g., location, registration deadline, submission of scientific papers, access codes to the online platform for monitoring the event, etc.).

We specify that your data will not be transferred by us to any third party and will only be used for the purpose for which they were transmitted.If you choose to pay with a card for any of our services, please note that the electronic payment instrument is secure and that we do not store such data (card details, bank accounts), and payments are made only through secure interfaces belonging to banking institutions.

We inform you that you have the possibility to revoke your consent to communication at any time and you can also request any additional information regarding your data by contacting us at


Soldat Gheorghe Matac, Nr. 31, Sector 2, București

Adina NOSA, +40 752 168 815