CSS Translated Text

The form will guide you through the process of submitting your abstract. 
Each tab on the left side of the page will display a step in the submission process that needs to be completed.
At any point during the process, you can press the "Save as Draft" button to save your incomplete submission and return to it later.
The Review section will provide an overview of the sections that still need to be completed before you can submit the abstract.
Once all required sections have been completed, you can submit the abstract.
Abstract submission deadline is: 10th of February.

CSS Translated Text

Abstract Writing Instructions:
  • The presenting and corresponding author should be the first author and should be registered at the Congress!
  • Author names will be written in the individual boxes provided for each, following the order: main author, co-authors. See template below for spelling examples! Do not use diacritics or special letters; avoid hyphens!
  • Affiliations of authors (each on a separate textbox, in authors’ order). The Institution names should be in English, without abbreviations and include City and Country (and State/County/Province if the case); omit department name!
  • Title must be in Sentence case.
  • The abstract body will be written in English and should include the following paragraph headings: Background:, Methods:, Results:, Conclusions:, Keywords: and Disclosures:.
  • Do not use bulleted or numbered lists, symbols, tables, figures, incomplete sentences or excessive jargon! Do not include references (Bibliography)!
  • Abbreviations will be explained upon first use in the text.
  • Do not use Brand-names or Manufacturer-names!
  • The whole abstract (including the title, authors, and affiliations) should have a maximum of 350 words.
  • Authors are responsible for the correctness of the content, spelling, grammar and punctuation; if unsuitable, these may lead to abstract rejection.
  • Be aware of possible changes due to formatting requirements and revisions prior to publication.
  • A docx example to guide you can be downloaded by clicking  HERE, or on the first button below.


Ioana Lăzărescu: +40 771 433 099 ioana.lazarescu@pproevents.com